Packaging machinery Ravenwood Nobac Cwrap from United Kingdom - ID: 8647771
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Packaging machinery Ravenwood Nobac Cwrap

Published: 4mo 17d

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Packaging machinery Ravenwood Nobac Cwrap: picture 1

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Packaging machinery Ravenwood Nobac Cwrap: picture 1
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Published: 4mo 17d


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United Kingdom, Summit House Horsecroft Road Harlow CM19 5BN, United Kingdom

More information

Serial: 70142013

Ravenwood Nobac C wrap sleever


C wrap sleevers

designed for maximum flexibility

quick changeovers between wrap formats achieved by eliminating the need to turn the packs

capable of applying sleeves in many different formats including

top and side


Full wrap

Skin pack

ideal for ready meals


black puddings

haggis and many more

come complete with Zodiac HS printer



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