Cynkomet Viehanhänger / Livestock trailer / Remorque bétaillère / Rimorchio per bestiame / Rimorchio per bestiame /Прицеп для перевозки животных / Przyczepa do przewozu zwierząt
Livestock trailer
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 26d
17 099EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 2 279 245 KES
- ≈ 17 600 USD
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Contact the seller
DC Betonmischer / Hydraulic concrete mixer / Malaxeur à béton hydraulique / Betoniera /Hormigonera con accionamiento hidráulico / Бетономешалка с гидравлическим приводом / Betoniarka hydrauliczna 1200 l
Concrete plant
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 1mo 20d
2 819EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 375 764 KES
- ≈ 2 901 USD
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Contact the seller
Spawex Ballengreifer / Bale grab / Pince à balles / Pinza per balle / Cuchara para balas / Захват для рулонов / Chwytak do bel SO4
Grapple for Farm tractor
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 1mo 20d
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 131 830 KES
- ≈ 1 017 USD
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Contact the seller
ROLMET Rollenverlesetisch / Sorting table / Table de tri / Tavolo selettivo / Cambiador / Сортировочный стол / Stół przebierczy SP2
Potato equipment
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 1mo 20d
2 298EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 306 316 KES
- ≈ 2 365 USD
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
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METAL-TECHNIK Schneeschild / Snow plow / Lame à neige / Sgombraneve dritto / Снегоочистель / Pług odśnieżny 3 m
Snow plough for Snow plough
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 1mo 20d
3 138EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 418 285 KES
- ≈ 3 230 USD
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
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Techmont Anhänger Tandemkipper / Trailer / Remorque / Rimorchio / Remolque tándem / Прицеп монолитный двухосный тандем / Przyczepa tandem PTTCW112 12 t
Farm tipping trailer/ Dumper
New2025Payload: 12000 kg
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 1mo 21d
15 590EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 2 078 100 KES
- ≈ 16 047 USD
New2025Payload: 12000 kg
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
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BeTEC Gülleinjektor / Slurry injector / Injecteur / Applicatore / Aplicador de manguera / Шланговый аппликатор / Aplikator 6 m
Slurry injector
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 1mo 21d
12 490EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 1 664 879 KES
- ≈ 12 856 USD
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Contact the seller
Dozamech Zettwender / Tedder / Aérofaneur / Voltafieno e ranghinatore / Rastrillo henificador / Сеноворошилка и грабли / Przetrząsarko-zgrabiarka 2,28 m
Hay and forage equipment
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 1mo 21d
5 107EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 680 747 KES
- ≈ 5 256 USD
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Contact the seller
PRONAR Schneeschild / Snow plow / Lame à neige / Snøplog / Снегоотвал / Pług odśnieżny 2,1 m
Snow plough for Farm tractor
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 1mo 21d
2 384EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 317 780 KES
- ≈ 2 453 USD
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Contact the seller
PRONAR Kehrmaschine / Sweeper / Balayeuse / Barredora / Spazzatrice / Подметальная машина / Zamiatarka 1,6 m
Broom for Agricultural machinery
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 1mo 21d
2 757EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 367 499 KES
- ≈ 2 837 USD
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Contact the seller
METAL-TECHNIK Steinsammler / Stone Collector / Ramasseur de pierres / Recogedora de piedras / Raccoglitore di pietr / Камнеуборочный комбайн / Zbieracz kamieni 4 m
Soil tillage equipment
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 1mo 24d
46 433EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 6 189 379 KES
- ≈ 47 794 USD
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Contact the seller
Grutech Ballenabwickler / Straw blowers / Pailleuse / Trinciapaglia / Picadora de paja / Измельчитель соломы / Ścielarka słomy
Straw shredder
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 1mo 24d
5 200EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 693 144 KES
- ≈ 5 352 USD
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Contact the seller
ROLMET Sturzbunker / Receiving hopper / Trémie de réception / Cesto di ricezione / Tolva receptora de rodillo / Приёмная корзина / Kosz przyjęciowy KP-1
Potato equipment
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 1mo 24d
3 830EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 510 527 KES
- ≈ 3 942 USD
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Contact the seller
Bomet Bodenfräsen / Rotary tiller / Rotavator / Vangatrice / Rastrillo / Культиватор / Glebogryzarka 2 m
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 1mo 24d
2 135EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 284 589 KES
- ≈ 2 197 USD
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Contact the seller
Cynkomet Anhänger / Trailer / Remorque / Rimorchio / Remolque / Двухосный прицеп / Przyczepa dwuosiowa 14 t
Farm tipping trailer/ Dumper
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 1mo 24d
24 145EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 3 218 456 KES
- ≈ 24 852 USD
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Contact the seller
METAL-TECHNIK Frontlader / Front loader / Chargeur frontal / Caricatore frontale / Cargador fronta / Фронтальный погрузчик / Ładowacz czołowy Tytan MT-02
Front loader for tractor for Attachment
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 1mo 24d
4 627EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 616 765 KES
- ≈ 4 762 USD
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Contact the seller
Namyslo Saatbettbereitung / Seedbed preparation / Combiné de préparation / Sembradora / Посевной агрегат / Agregat uprawowy 5 m
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 1mo 24d
14 533EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 1 937 205 KES
- ≈ 14 959 USD
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Contact the seller
ZAMET Futtermischwagen / Feed mixer / Melangeuse / Carro miscelatore / Vagoneta de alimentación /Кормораздатчик / Wóz paszowy 16 m3
Forage mixer wagon
New202560 hp
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 1mo 24d
30 832EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 4 109 813 KES
- ≈ 31 735 USD
New202560 hp
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Contact the seller
ZAMET Mähladewagen / Green forage mower / Remorque autochargeuse / Autocaricante / Carro per foraggio con falciatrice a tamburo / Самозагружающийся прицеп с косилкой / Przyczepa samozaładowcza 19 m3
Self-loading wagon
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 1mo 24d
15 787EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 2 104 359 KES
- ≈ 16 249 USD
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Contact the seller
ZAMET Futtermischwagen / Feed mixer / Melangeuse / Carro miscelatore / Vagoneta de alimentación / Кормораздатчик / Wóz paszowy 7-12 m3
Forage mixer wagon
New202554 hp
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Published: 1mo 24d
18 573EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 2 475 725 KES
- ≈ 19 117 USD
New202554 hp
Poland, Tanica Górna 34, 16-050 Michałowo, Poland
Contact the seller